Stemcell Century Tue, 28 Jun 2022 09:20:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthy sunlight and how it affects us Wed, 09 Dec 2020 14:07:36 +0000 Sunlight is our main source of light during the day. The naturally lit room provides several benefits to both the owner as well as the people living or working in the environment. Most of them are health benefits considering exposure helps in the synthesis of Vitamin D. An optimal exposure is required in these instances since over-exposure might have negative effects, including cancer. Below are some health benefits.

Natural light health benefits

Deficiency of vitamin D has many health risks, including rickets, a disease known to affect the bones. Exposure to sunlight is crucial in the synthesis of Vitamin D in the body. Moreover, vitamin D helps to reduce the risk of cancerous cells by 30% and breast cancer by about 50%. Parans offers a UV free light that is safe to use in indoor spaces. More to read you can find here.

Parans Solar Lighting

Parans Solar Lighting is a leading company that specializes in the installation of solar lighting equipment. These equipment allows collection of sunlight from the roof of a building and then the light is transported through fibre optic cables. It can go up to 100 metres which means 30 floors in the building. The workforce can enjoy an office with a natural lighting environment. This has been known to improve productivity.

Science of pleasure in rewards Tue, 09 Apr 2019 15:02:32 +0000 Almost all gamblers know that they will lose in the long run, and for many this is absolutely fine. People tend not to play in order to win money – although, of course, any wins will be gladly accepted and enjoyed! Instead, they play for the thrill, the buzz of potential that comes with every turn of the cards or roll of the dice. These feelings of hopeful anticipation are emphasised when the game offers rewards and bonuses to keep players playing for longer than they might otherwise have done. Now, most people know that rewards like this would not be offered unless it was worth it to the casino in the long run, so why do they keep on playing, even though logic tells them that they are unlikely to win big? It is very simple: as stated above, people love to play. Win or lose, that eternal hope keeps a player coming back for more and more – and having periodic rewards to enjoy and use along the way can make them feel as though they are winning, even if only on a small scale. Receiving bonuses feeds our reward centre, and can even offer a greater rush of pleasure because the reward is ‘unearned’ – in other words, it has simply been given to us. Having now what the brain thinks of as ‘free’ chances to play, we are more inclined to stay on and play on, as our adrenaline kicks in, making us focus intently on the game – sometimes to the point of ignoring people talking to us during our turns! Our brains, when on an adrenaline-fuelled high, do not take risks into as much consideration as they might otherwise do, and this drives us to take greater risks in order to win greater rewards. This explains why, with every bonus we receive, how we are more inclined to remain in the game, playing on and on, in search of the next gambling high and constantly in hope of the next big ‘win’ – even if we know logically how very unlikely it may be!

Give your brain a workout with poker Thu, 28 Mar 2019 13:36:35 +0000 It is a misconception that playing card games are just for serious gamblers or budding actors aspiring to be the hero in a western movie. Playing a card game like poker can give your brain an excellent workout while having a lot of fun. This may sound too good to be true, poker is a great brain exercise. It is the truth. It is a known fact, if you don’t exercise muscles they tend to degenerate and lose some of their function and strength. The same applies to your brain. Many people believe that training must just be blood, sweat and tears before any benefit can be gained from it. Nothing can be further away from the truth. Research has shown that playing even the most basic of card games can aid the cognitive abilities, short term memory, the immune system and boost confidence. Poker offers great benefits in this regard, you must be alert to all the other players at the table, while being in control yourself, not giving anything away. During all of this, you must also concentrate on the cards in your hand, evaluate your chances and calculate your odds of winning the hand. This actions all stimulate different parts of your brain and improve the functioning of it. Playing poker professionally requires a lot of skill and knowledge but it can be learned by anybody. To get started it is important to learn a basic version of poker, like the Five Card Draw. It is also important to understand the basic rules of poker while also learning strategies that you can use while playing. Sign up at a good poker website and start learning all you need to know and enjoy all the great benefits poker can offer. Remember, you can have fun while exercising your brain. As the saying goes, all work and no fun makes you a dull person.

Challenge yourself with a game Fri, 22 Mar 2019 10:11:44 +0000 Science has shown that when we challenge our brains with new activities, it can not only create new brain cells but also strengthen the bonds between them. In addition, it can also help against the build-up of proteins that can be harmful to the brain. The great thing is that there are so many ways we can challenge ourselves that range from simple to complex. One popular method is to challenge yourself to learn and play a new game. In this article, we will focus on one called Pyramid Poker that will get you thinking, analysing and hopefully strengthening your brain. There are plenty of brain training games and apps out there; some are free, some you need to subscribe to. With Pyramid Poker, you can play in real life with a pack of cards, or if you prefer, you can also find sites online that you can take part in.

How to Play Pyramid Poker

Pyramid Poker is similar to Pai Gow Poker but where the latter uses seven cards, Pyramid Poker uses only three, dealt face down. Jokers are removed from a typical deck of 52 cards and hands are ranked as they normally are in poker — keep in mind that aces are always high. The basic setup is that the dealer and the players are dealt three cards which they arrange into a two card hand and a one card hand. The one card hand must be smaller than the two card hand. To win, the player must beat both of the dealer’s hands. If the dealer has two winning hands the player loses, if the player and the dealer both have a winning hand then there is a tie. There are a number of details and variations of the game to be aware of, such as the ‘House Way’ so it pays to check out a site like Casino Web for a full grasp and understanding of the rules.

Science behind the gaming thrill Fri, 15 Feb 2019 13:10:01 +0000 Although not necessarily an innate part of the human psyche, the popularity of gambling has endured since ancient times. Online gambling is more accessible, fairer and safer than ever before, so the love affair with attempting to predict the unpredictable looks set to continue. Of course, the most obvious attraction of playing any game of chance or skill for money is the prospect of winning relatively large sums for a small initial outlay or, in effect, ‘something for nothing’. This is especially true of some forms of gambling, such as poker, which offer the – albeit mistaken – belief that the bettor can use skill to influence the outcome. Poker is a game that combines skill, strategy and a massive amount of chance. Professional poker players rely on their success in tournament poker to earn a living, so gamble by necessity. Some non-professional poker players, on the other hand, play simply for thrill of winning; any money they earn simply provides confirmation of their achievements in a game where success is hard to come by. However, for many other tournament poker players, winning is not the be-all and end-all of the experience. Other motivations for gambling on poker, which include escapism, fun and enjoyment and socialising, depend on the individual, but there are other, purely physiological, reasons why gambling is a pleasurable experience. The risk-taking element of playing tournament poker stimulates the secretion of adrenalin and endorphins – hormones that heighten the senses and can induce feelings of euphoria – so, win or lose, tournament poker players may still experience an emotional ‘high’. Whatever their motivation for playing tournament poker in the first place, players should be conscious of the fact that, while they may need to improvise their strategy from time to time, certain basic principles always apply.

The Science Behind Ageing Sat, 03 Nov 2018 10:09:07 +0000 The science of ageing is called biogerontology, a sub-field of gerontology. It is concerned with the biological aspects of the ageing process.Ageing is a 24/7 process that happens from even before we are born. However, signs are not generally noticed until we reach well into adulthood. Ageing is an avoidable sequence of events, stemming from cellular wear and tear which eventually results in reduced viability of the cell, and eventually cell death.Ageing occurs from pre-programmed, unavoidable genetic changes (intrinsic effects), and environmental factors (extrinsic) that occur during the lifespan of a cell.Cells are known as the building blocks of life, and our bodies are made up of billions of them. Science has shown that each cell has a life-span. Once the cell reaches the end of this life-span, they eventually cannot perform the necessary biological functions they need to and die. This results in the effects of ageing.The death of cells eventually leads to a decreased ability for the body to function normally and leaves it more susceptible to disease due to the body’s reduced ability to respond to extrinsic stresses.Whilst intrinsic ageing cannot be stopped, people can have control over extrinsic ageing by controlling environmental factors such as quitting smoking, obesity, poor nutrition, preventing exposure to diseases and reducing stress can all help to slow the progression of ageing, although nothing can stop it completely.Biogenterology and modern medicine are concerned with increasing the life-span of humans, reversing ageing, and helping us live healthier lives.

Exercise Your Brain with Sports Betting Fri, 02 Nov 2018 10:15:59 +0000 Sports betting is good exercise for the brain. On the surface, this may sound like a bold statement to make. It might even sound like a wrong statement to make. And it is for these reasons that we are here to let you in on the knowledge that it is neither wrong nor bold, it is just a fact. Everyday life is growing faster and more hectic seemingly by the day, and with so much new information and technology available to people freely, it is very easy to let the mind wander and stagnate a little. However, this is not what you want to do! Like any skill, it is best to keep challenging and stretching the limits of what you can do with your brain. And it turns out one of the ways of keeping your brain sharp is by sports betting. Studies have shown that the thought required to work out and calculate the various outcomes involved in sports betting help the brain to age more slowly, and the transferable skills are great to allow you to quickly and accurately make calculations. If you would like to get started with sports betting, a great resource to get you on your feet is provided over at Bet Smart. Understanding the language used in sports betting can be intimidating and is a barrier for many people, so dive into their glossary and you’ll be able to know your beards from your mush in no time. From there, you can begin to get involved once you’re sure that you know what you’re doing. Sign up with a bookmaker, and you can do some mental arithmetic working out what your odds are and how much you would stand to make! As ever though, don’t sign up to a bookmaker expecting or even hoping to beat the bookies. Treat it as a bit of fun and a nice way to exercise your brain. Remember, when the fun stops, stop.

Help with getting out of depression Sun, 28 Oct 2018 10:04:02 +0000 Medical treatment should be sought by sufferers of depression, but there are some actions that can be tried to ease the symptoms.The last thing that someone suffering with depression wants to do is to get out of bed, but this should be tackled. People generally respond well to set routines to get through the day. Set an alarm so that you wake up at the same time every day, even if you don’t need to, and get out of bed immediately. Shower and change into fresh, daytime clothing – don’t spend all day in pyjamas. Spend a little time tidying the living space and ensure to open the curtains. A more positive outlook is possible when surroundings are brighter and less cluttered. Just a small improvement can be uplifting.Getting outside once a day is good practice for a variety of reasons. Breathing fresh air, seeing sunlight, and being in natural surroundings all help clear the mind. Exercise has been proven to help with depression so a walk can bring benefits. If possible, going to a regular fitness class is a great idea or joining a park run would be advantageous. Establishing a routine and sticking to it, regardless of the lack of desire, could help suffers with their depression.A healthy eating pattern is another way to help ease feelings of hopelessness. Nutritious food eaten at regular mealtimes is a positive step. Consuming food that is full of natural colour helps restore balance to the body and improves the mind at the same time. Have a set time to sit at a table and mindfully eat tasty dishes that are packed with goodness.

Does Happy Thoughts Create a Happy Life? Thu, 25 Oct 2018 10:03:49 +0000 Our thought processes can make a positive difference to how happy we are, and positive thinking can help you to create a happier life. Our thought process is how we communicate with ourselves, as an internal dialogue. We actually communicate in our minds with ourselves more than we communicate with anyone else during the day, and our thoughts can be either constructive or destructive. Changing our thought patterns to more positive thoughts can have a positive impact on our happiness.Negative things that other people have said about us (parents, teachers, spouses or friends) can stick and become part of our internal dialogue. This can have a negative impact on our happiness. Recognising, and then changing these thoughts can help us to lead happier lives. Challenging repetitive negative thoughts, and replacing them with more positive affirmations can change the way you feel and increase overall life satisfaction. Over time, positive thinking can help us to have better social relationships, think better, do more, and feel better about ourselves.Thinking more positively takes practice and involves many processes. Recognising the power of words and replacing negative words, statements or beliefs for positive ones can help us become happier. Try practising some positive affirmations daily. Meditation or prayer can help us experience more positive emotions. Writing thoughts and feelings can be cathartic and help us recognise and externalise negative thoughts feelings, making it easier to replace them with positive ones. Whilst changes won’t happen immediately, over time you will notice positive changes in your life from the simple act of positive thinking.

What are embryonic stem cells? Fri, 20 Mar 2015 07:30:07 +0000 Stem cells have the ability to become any other type of cell that the body needs. Embryonic stem cells are taken from embryos. Unlike adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells can be programmed to create multiple copies of any type of cell in the body that is required; adult stem cells can only recreate a small number of cells.Generally speaking, research is carried out on human embryonic stem cells, but depending on the particular project, stem cells from animals can also be harnessed for use. The embryos that stem cells are taken from are created via the use of in-vitro fertilisation; they are the embryos that are discarded when successful pregnancy occurs and donated to science with the informed consent of the parents.

What are embryonic stem cells used for?

There are many uses for embryonic stem cells in scientific research, including:

  • Helping us to further understand how we grow and develop inside the womb, including how birth defects can occur.
  • Allowing us to see how cells themselves develop, both normally and abnormally, therefore improving medical diagnoses and treatments.
  • They may eventually enable us to create tissue and organs to replace those that have been severely damaged thanks to diseases like liver cirrhosis. If this was achieved, it would also mean that they could be used in treatment of conditions relating to the heart, spine and brain.
  • Embryonic stem cells can be used to help test the potency of drugs and medications, as well as help scientists to look for new ones.
  • They may also be able to help us understand how cells become defective, thus causing diseases and illnesses to occur in the first place.

What are the ethics around using embryonic stem cells?

Understandably there is concern over the ethics of using stem cells taken from embryos, particularly now that scientists are able to create them for the specific purpose of research; whereas previously, leftover embryos from in-vitro fertilisation efforts were donated. The argument is that it is morally wrong to create a life for the sole purpose of experimenting on it and the moral rights of the embryo to exist, as found in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990, have been used to back this up.On the other side of the debate, it is clear to see the many advantages of embryonic stem cell research and many lives will be saved thanks to such work. It is also important to note that embryos that have been created for research purposes will never be implanted in a womb, meaning that a life cannot be created.
